Premier Staffing Partners

Premier Staffing Partners is our Devmoot Presenting Partner, and without them saying “yes” from the start, this conference wouldn’t have happened. Premier is a locally owned recruiting agency in Knoxville and has been the primary sponsor for KnoxDevs since the group started in 2015, and always there to help, both financially and logistically. We’re proud to have them alongsiide us in Devmoot, supporting and growing the Knoxville area tech community. Check them out on LinkedIn.

Premier Staffing Partners
Kris Ann Hawkins

Kris Ann Hawkins is a Senior Recruiter at Premier Staffing Partners. Over the past 9 years she has recruited all genres and levels of technical professionals for multiple clients and hosted countless events for the Knoxville technical community. Through Premier, Kris Ann sponsors many of Knoxville’s technical meetups, has worked closely with the KnoxDevs board since its beginning, and is the Community Director for Codestock.

(Editor’s note: Kris Ann is pretty much an awesome person- super smart, helpful, friendly, and knowledgable.)